DDOS Protection
Every network administrator dreads the thought of a DDoS attack on their network. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is like a traffic jam clogging up a highway, preventing regular traffic from arriving where it needs to be. In 2021 we are seeing a rise in DDoS attacks.
A DDoS attack is a malicious way to disrupt the traffic on your network to and from your server by overwhelming your institution and its data infrastructure with enormous volumes of internet traffic. DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by utilizing many compromised computer systems as sources of disruption.
Data Network Solutions stops the attack before it gets to your networks. Our cloud base service can sense and detect the start of an attack before it becomes disruptive. By working at the appropriate network levels, we intercede to rate-limit malicious traffic. Then network traffic is moved to scrubbing centers, resulting in the delivery of legitimate traffic to your network. Ultimately, allowing your data center to provide robust continuous services to your users.
Data Networks will provide you with the four most important features when selecting a vendor to help you prevent, mitigate, and resolve a DDoS attack. An effective DDoS solution will need to provide a real-time approach, early threat detection, easy to implement, ease of monitoring.
What are the best metrics?
- Time to Detect
- Time to Report
- Time to Divert
- Time to Mitigate
- Time to Provide Service Availability
You need to know what’s going on at the moment it happens, not after your network has been overwhelmed. Look for a solution that leverages your routing equipment and current bandwidth to automatically remediate and lessen the cost and impact of a DDoS attack.
Early threat detection. The best defense is a good offense and early warnings are among the best ways to prevent a full-on attack. You want a solution that is continuously monitoring your website traffic in order to detect potentially harmful patterns and block them before they have the chance to do damage. The right system should be capable of detecting and remediating a variety of attacks before you ever reach the point of shutting down.
Easy to implement. In order for a solution to work effectively, it needs to be easy-to-use and cost-effective to implement. Solutions that are complicated or require too much onboarding pave the way for shadow IT, and ultimately, a security breach. Look for a solution that integrates easily with your existing ISP to send BGP/flowspec announcements to vendors upstream — you want traffic blocked before it has the chance to overwhelm your network.
All clear ahead. You can’t protect against what you can’t see. Whatever solution you choose should provide a single-pane view into traffic flow and assets across the entire network.
Contact us directly! Call us at 1-800-649-6741 or fill out our Contact Form for more information about how VoIP can help your company.